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Do you really know
what you want in life?

My job is to listen to you, without judging and with complete confidentiality, to accompany you to discover who you are, how you feel and how you think. I accompany you in understanding the way you live, enabling you to define your personal and professional goals and supporting you to decide the changes you want to make in order to achieve your purpose.


Today people make the difference in their organizations. And the key point of this difference is leadership.  [+]

Executive reflection

Many executives from small and medium size companies and start-ups feel quite lonely in their position and they miss the possibility to be able to dialogue with someone who can really understand and accompany them in the decision making process. [+]

Coaching supervision

Super-Vision is to pause to reflect on the work done and to create new visions. [+]


Mindfulness is the art of being here and now. This is easy to say and more difficult to do, because our mind keeps wandering all the time and it is really difficult to be mindful on a specific issue more than 18 minutes as neuroscience is showing us. [+]

Some collaborations:
